Friday, August 24, 2012

Mass Cleaning Campaign at Dewathang Town Area.

The Mass Cleaning Campaign at Dewathang town area was coordinated by Jigme Namgyel Polytechnic on 22nd August 2012 on Wednesday.The participant of the cleaning campaign was totally on voluntarily basis and about 150 students has turn out and almost all the staffs has join for the cleaning campaign. The cleaning campaign was started at 1:30 PM led by our Director. It was started from institute campus towards Dewathang town area. The area which was cleaned is Dewathang Primary School, RBA Hospital area, Zongthopelri area, Road side towards JNP and main town area.

The one full load of samdrup Jongkhar Thromde (tractor) collected waste  of degradable waste and Non-degradable waste is that was from Dewathang town. The tractor was provided by Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde for collecting the waste. The following observation is made while going for Mass Cleaning Campaign there is drastic drop in the waste in Dewathang town compared to previous years. Lots of people residing in town are giving full co-operation. This all might be due to the awareness of the waste management.

This move was supported by Samdrup Jongkhar Initiatives (SJI), a Civil Society Organization (CSO) and staffs from SJI have joined us for this campaign. Finally the refreshment was served to the participants by Dewathang Thromde Peoples. 

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