Sunday, November 16, 2014

About Electrical Engineering Department

Electrical Engineering is a broad field that includes various mixes of subjects of power systems, electronics, control system, protection system and lots more. The emerging technologies demand diverse study on contents but the major head is under Electrical Engineering.

Electrical Engineers provide energy solutions to light our homes; design, analyze and optimize wireless communication devices and networks that revolutionize the way we live (e.g. cellular phones, wireless networks, GPS, electronic commerce, smart rooms); advance underwater communication technologies for monitoring/sensing oceanic environmental changes; design smart software radio systems and networking protocols to facilitate ubiquitous terra-bit volume multimedia communications; develop biomedical devices and instrumentation to saves lives; use nanotechnology to produce better, faster, brighter, and stronger materials for solar cells and sensing devices; design the technology that enables customized multimedia entertainment; advance new green technologies that will power our future while protecting the environment. Electrical engineers can be found in almost all sectors of the work force, including research and development, product design, manufacturing, operations, service, technical sales, marketing, consulting, education, and policy making.

Engineering designs are a team effort and require good communication skills, both oral and written. Therefore it is important that each student develops these necessary communication skills. The benefit of having an education in electrical engineering is that the student is prepared for a career not only in technical areas but also for further training in other disciplines such as medicine, law, public policy, business, economics, management, and teaching.

The Diploma offered by the Department is the Diploma in Electrical Engineering. The program provides the scope of knowledge and training needed for employment and also forms the basis for further study at the undergraduate level.

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